Protecting Yourself from Bank Jugging: What You Need to Know

Over the past few months, bank jugging has been making headlines in the Oklahoma news. As bank jugging crimes rise, Oklahoma law enforcement has issued public warnings. At First Liberty Bank, your safety and security are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing the necessary information to help protect you from such threats.

Understanding Bank Jugging

Bank jugging involves a criminal closely monitoring customers exiting banks, credit unions, ATMs/ITMs, or check-cashing stores. The suspect identifies a target — particularly looking for those who visibly carry cash — and follows them to their next destination. At an opportune moment, the jugger then either threatens or assaults the victim to steal the cash. This type of crime relies heavily on the element of surprise and the victim's unawareness of being followed.

Preventative Measures to Take

To safeguard yourself against the risks of bank jugging, it's crucial to adopt a few mindful practices and stay alert before, during, and after you visit a financial institution. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Be Observant: Always be aware of your surroundings. Take note of anyone loitering in the bank lobby or parking lot without apparent business.
  • Minimize Distractions: Avoid using your phone, wearing earbuds, or engaging in activities that could distract you from your surroundings while at the bank.
  • Secure Your Cash: Before leaving the bank or ATM/ITM, discreetly secure your cash in an inconspicuous bag or container, such as a purse or briefcase.
  • Lock Your Vehicle: Ensure your car doors are locked as soon as you enter your vehicle.
  • Avoid Leaving Cash in Your Car: Never leave significant amounts of money in your vehicle, even if it's locked.
  • Stay Alert for Followers: Be cautious of any vehicles following you upon leaving the bank. If a car seems to be tracking your movements, trust your instincts.
  • React Wisely: Don't head straight home if you suspect you're being followed. Instead, call 911 or drive to the nearest police or fire/EMS station.

First Liberty Bank's Commitment to Your Security

At First Liberty Bank, we prioritize not only the financial well-being of our customers but also their physical safety. We encourage all our patrons to adopt the "see something, say something" approach. Do not hesitate to speak with branch security if you notice suspicious behavior or feel uneasy during your visit. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring your peace of mind and is always willing to provide an escort to your vehicle when needed.

Bank jugging is a stark reminder of the need to remain vigilant and proactive about our personal security, especially in situations involving cash transactions. By staying alert and following the recommended safety tips, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a target. Remember, your safety is our highest concern at First Liberty Bank, and we are here to support and assist you in every possible way.

For more safety tips and how to protect yourself from fraud, please visit our website, our Security Tips page.